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Dell Compellent Enterprise Manager
Unmatched storage control and simplicity

Dell Compellent Enterprise Manager


Enterprise Manager simplifies storage resource management by providing comprehensive monitoring and management of all local and remote Dell Compellent Storage Center systems. You can gain instant visibility and control of a multi-terabyte, multilocation environment, streamlining administration and reducing operating costs. Configure and verify remote replication processes, monitor storage capacity and disk utilization in real time, and generate comprehensive storage usage and performance reports — all from a single pane of glass.

Storage Resource Management

Dell Compellent Enterprise Manager simplifies network storage management by providing a single, centralized console for the administration of multiple local and remote Storage Center SANs. Users can configure and verify remote replication processes, monitor storage capacity and disk utilization in real time, and generate comprehensive enterprise storage usage and performance reports.

How to Simplify Storage Admin with Enterprise Manager

  • Complete storage resource management for Dell Compellent enterprise storage environments
  • Drastically cuts day-to-day management time, resources and technology training
  • View your system from the standpoint of capacity, performance and path utilization, all from a granular point in time
  • Cuts administration time with a single interface and a complete view of storage resources
  • Simplifies disaster recovery process with reduced configuration time and easy online replication verification
  • Reduces disk costs with reports that allow you to accurately assess storage resources and plan for future capacity needs
  • Speeds event resolution with centralized alert notification and event log management
  • Optimizes performance by allowing you to identify and manage trends
  • Showcases the cost and power savings of Dell Compellent storage
  • Maximize resource utilization and reduce disk costs using accurate capacity and performance data
  • Streamline disaster recovery planning and replication configuration with a simple point-and-click interface
  • Speed event resolution with centralized alert notification and event log management
  • Identify trends and monitor enterprise storage use by business unit for accurate needs assessment and chargeback
  • Automatically calculate energy savings and generate boardroom-ready hero reports

Enterprise Manager suite components
Enterprise Manager suite components