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Dell EMC PowerScale A300 Archive NAS Storage
The lowest cost way to support both, active and cold archives

Dell EMC PowerScale A300 Archive NAS Storage

Dell Storage Products
Dell EMC PowerScale Archive NAS Storage
Dell EMC PowerScale A300 Archive NAS Storage
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PowerScale helps you unlock the structure within your data and to address the challenges with unstructured data management. PowerScale is the next evolution of the OneFS – the operating system powering the industry’s leading scale-out NAS platform. The PowerScale family includes Isilon nodes, PowerScale nodes and PowerScale OneFS running across all of them. The software defined architecture of OneFS give you simplicity at scale, intelligent insights and the ability to have any data anywhere it needs to be – at the edge, core or cloud. Whether it is hosting file shares or home directories or delivering high performance data access for applications like analytics, video rendering and life sciences, PowerScale can seamlessly scale performance, capacity and efficiency to handle any unstructured data workload. The PowerScale platforms co-exist seamlessly in the same cluster with your existing Isilon nodes to drive your traditional and modern applications.

Scale-out storage that is ready for any workload

As your business changes, your infrastructure needs to change with it. Be ready for what's coming next:

Support any workload

  • Choose from all-flash, hybrid and archive nodes for the best fit for your data
  • Run multiple data protocols with simultaneous access to avoid storage silos
  • Deploy as a NAS appliance, in APEX- or in the Cloud

Scalable data management

  • Scale up, down or out non-disruptively to tens of petabytes
  • Scan and index billions of files across your environment with DataIQ
  • Manage your storage infrastructure with a single UI with CloudIQ

Protect your data

  • Built-in availability, redundancy, security, data protection and replication with OneFS
  • Protect from cyber attacks with integrated ransomware defense and smart AirGap
  • Designed for 6x9s availability

Dell EMC PowerScale Archive Platforms

Choose PowerScale family of archive nodes for highly efficient and resilient active archive storage or long-term data retention for large-scale data archives. With the proven scale-out architecture of PowerScale, you can keep pace with growing archive needs. Keep archive data safe with a choice of enterprise-grade data protection and security options.

PowerScale OneFS is the operating system powering the industry’s leading scale-out NAS platforms that enables you to innovate with your data. The PowerScale Archive family includes Dell EMC PowerScale platforms and the Dell EMC Isilon platforms configured with the PowerScale OneFS operating system. OneFS provides the intelligence behind the highly scalable, high– performance modular storage solution that can grow with your business. A OneFS powered cluster is composed of a flexible choice of storage platforms including all-flash, hybrid and archive nodes. These solutions provide the performance, choice, capacity, efficiency, flexibility, scalability, security and protection for you to store massive amounts of unstructured data within a cluster. The PowerScale archive platforms co-exist seamlessly in the same cluster with your existing Isilon nodes to drive your traditional and modern applications.

The PowerScale family offers several highly efficient and massively scalable archive storage solutions. These nodes use a modular architecture while dramatically reducing cost and complexity and both platforms utilize a dense hardware design that provides four nodes within a single 4U chassis:

  • PowerScale A300: is an ideal active archive storage solution that combines high performance, near-primary accessibility, value, and ease of use. The A300 provides between 120 TB to 960 TB per chassis and scales to 60 PB in a single cluster. The A300 includes inline compression and deduplication capabilities
  • PowerScale A3000: is an ideal solution for high performance, high density, deep archive storage that safeguards data efficiently for long-term retention. The A3000 stores up to 1280 TB per chassis and scales to 80 PB in a single cluster. The A3000 includes inline compression and deduplication capabilities
  • Isilon A200: is an ideal active archive storage solution that combines near-primary accessibility, value, and ease of use. The A200 provides between 120 TB to 960 TB per chassis and scales to 60 PB in a single cluster.
  • Isilon A2000: A2000 is an ideal solution for high density, deep archive storage that safeguards data efficiently for long-term retention. The A2000 stores up to 1280 TB per chassis and scales to 80 PB in a single cluster.

Embedded, integrated, or attached OEM versions are available for PowerScale archive nodes as either de-branded or re-branded solutions.

It’s not just data, it’s your business

A large portion of your data is unstructured data and that dataset is growing exponentially – not just in the datacenter but at the enterprise edge and in the cloud. PowerScale OneFS powered scale-out storage solutions are designed for organizations that want to manage all their data, not their storage. Our storage systems are powerful yet simple to install, manage and scale to virtually any size. The storage includes a choice of PowerScale and Isilon all-flash, hybrid or archive nodes to meet the most demanding business needs. And, unlike traditional enterprise storage, these solutions stay simple no matter how much storage capacity is added, how much performance is required or how business needs change in the future.

In a world where unstructured data is growing rapidly and taking over the data center, organizations are looking for ways to get more out of their data. Whether it is driving innovation, getting to market faster or creating differentiation, they want the data to start creating value. Instead of thinking of destinations for your data, you think about what the data is going to be used for, who will be using it and how the data will help you solve for their business needs. When you have a data first mindset, the goal is to get any data to where it needs to be for business needs. Whether it is all-flash Edge offerings or the cloud to take advantage of the tools and access, data must be located where it needs to be for the business

With OneFS powered clusters consisting of PowerScale or Isilon nodes, you can eliminate storage silos, consolidate all your unstructured data, store petabytes of file data and analyze them in a data first world. With up to 252 nodes in a cluster, you can scale both capacity and performance in a few minutes to meet your specific business needs—all without any additional IT burden. With the performance of all-flash node that are configured with NVMe, you can drive demanding workloads like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.


  • PowerScale enables you to derive value and innovate with your unstructured data
  • Address challenges with your unstructured data management
  • NVMe PowerScale nodes deliver high performance storage
  • Simply manage data at the edge, datacenter and cloud
  • Massive capacity and performance scalability
  • Reduced costs with unmatched storage efficiency, deduplication and compression
  • Optimize resources with tiered storage of all-flash, hybrid and archive nodes
  • Operational flexibility with multiprotocol support
  • High availability and resilient data protection

Pricing Notes:

Dell Storage Products
Dell EMC PowerScale Archive NAS Storage
Dell EMC PowerScale A300 Archive NAS Storage
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